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1 Month
Course Price

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam National Institute for Skill Development promoted by RERF India
Rebirth Education and Research Foundation, Not for Profit, with its Registered Office at Visnagar (North Gujarat) was started with the sole motive to contribute towards late President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's dream of making every Indian youth, especially rural youth, knowledge empowered through INDIA - VISION 2020. We are engaged in creating a vast pool of skilled professionals in the fields of IT, Healthcare, Apparel, Beauty & Wellness, Manufacturing and Retail sectors, through skill development and skill up gradation.
Certificate In Advance Excel
Course Details
Advanced Excel plays a very important role in structuring & presenting data so that it looks impressive. Once one has a good understanding of Excel features like tables, cell styles, formatting options, then it is necessary to make awesome Excel workbooks.The role of this courseis to teach participants the various formulas used in Excel, how to debug them, audit them and how to use which formula for which occasion (and also know few alternatives for any given formula problem).
How to customize the Excel workspace.
The best practices for designing and managing worksheets.
How to create formulas and functions.
How to perform statistical, what-if, and other data analysis.
Core to advanced charting techniques.
How to manage databases and tables.
How to automate excel with macros and custom functions.
How to collaborate in Excel online and in cloud.
Course Information
- Course Duration: 1 Month
- Eligibility: 10th Pass Students Are Eligible
- Course Price: ₹ 2000
- Download: Course Brochure