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3 Years
Course Price

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam National Institute for Skill Development promoted by RERF India
Rebirth Education and Research Foundation, Not for Profit, with its Registered Office at Visnagar (North Gujarat) was started with the sole motive to contribute towards late President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's dream of making every Indian youth, especially rural youth, knowledge empowered through INDIA - VISION 2020. We are engaged in creating a vast pool of skilled professionals in the fields of IT, Healthcare, Apparel, Beauty & Wellness, Manufacturing and Retail sectors, through skill development and skill up gradation.
Master In Computer Application
Course Details
Master of Computer Applications is a postgraduate Information Technology course. Computer Application is a use of the computer to solve a specific problem or to accomplish a job for an end user. For example, common business computer applications include sales order processing, inventory control, and payroll. It is popularly known as M.C.A. which is an abbreviated form of Master Computer Applications.
Produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources which are employable in IT and ITES.
Impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building complex Application Software Systems as well as provide support to automated systems or application.
Produce entrepreneurs who can develop customized solutions for small to large Enterprises.
To develop academically competent and professionally motivated personnel, equipped with objective, critical thinking, right moral and ethical values that compassionately foster the scientific temper with a sense of social responsibility.
To develop students to become globally competent.
To inculcate Entrepreneurial skills among students.
Course Information
- Course Duration: 3 Years
- Eligibility: Graduate Students Are Eligible
- Course Price: As per norms
- Download: Course Brochure