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1 Month
Course Price

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam National Institute for Skill Development promoted by RERF India
Rebirth Education and Research Foundation, Not for Profit, with its Registered Office at Visnagar (North Gujarat) was started with the sole motive to contribute towards late President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's dream of making every Indian youth, especially rural youth, knowledge empowered through INDIA - VISION 2020. We are engaged in creating a vast pool of skilled professionals in the fields of IT, Healthcare, Apparel, Beauty & Wellness, Manufacturing and Retail sectors, through skill development and skill up gradation.
Typing English
Course Details
In this course, the student will learn the touch method of keyboarding using a personal computer keyboard as well as document processing for personal letters and memos. Emphasis will be on speed and accuracy as well as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Elements of word processing will also be presented through the use of word processing software, Microsoft Word 2010.
Basic skills necessary to input data by learning the method of “touch” keyboarding.
To reach operational skills of speed and accuracy keying straight-copy alphanumeric material.
To use some applied keyboarding applications typical of those found in business.
To do a simple block style letter with mixed punctuation; i.e., date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, signature and reference line.
To do a simple memo – To, From, Date, Subject and body.
Basic skills in grammar and punctuation necessary to produce small documents, business letters and short reports.
Course Information
- Course Duration: 1 Month
- Eligibility: 10th Pass Students Are Eligible
- Course Price: ₹ 1500
- Download: Course Brochure